And just like that…

Theo is 10 months old! We only have 1 more monthly celebration before this baby of mine is 1! Needless to say, I am not prepared. I asked him this morning what we’re going to do about the fact that I’m determined to keep him my itty bitty baby.

We have officially weaned and Theo is on formula bottles and purees. He’s trying real food but struggling a bit and ends up throwing up everywhere instead of swallowing tiny bits.  It’s frustrating but I know he’ll get better with practice.  I try not to let all the food stuff stress me out because I know he’s getting the nutrition he needs and I’m almost certain he won’t still be eating purees when he graduates high school.  #almostcertain

Theo has a total of 7 teeth and continues to chomp on unsuspecting shoulders, fingers, and toes.  He loves to grab hold of his brother with his super human grip and pull hair.  He truly does it all out of affection though, at least I tell myself, because he’s basically a koala bear and wants to be attached to someone 80% of the time.  The other 20% he’s wiggling all over the place, insisting he be put down so he can explore the world.

Theo got his first haircut this month.  His hair is pretty unruly and was growing stick straight over his ears.  I threatened to cut it myself half a dozen times before Dennis finally gave in and agreed his was ready.  Bonus: he was so well-behaved, standing for the entire haircut, that Duke had no choice but to cooperate for his cut afterwards.  Can’t have little brother show him up, after all.

I rock Theo to sleep more often than I probably did for Duke, but if he’s cranky he has a pretty hard time putting himself to sleep. Other nights he’s perfectly fine to babble away to himself before drifting off, nearly always on his side or belly with his butt in the air.

He loves to stand up with support and will make his entire body stiff as a board if you try to make him sit down when he doesn’t want to.  He has the biggest kissable cheeks and loves to smile his big toothy grin. Duke absolutely cracks him up and can do almost anything and get a belly laugh.  While I’m excited for the next stage with this nugget, I am soaking up every moment of his sweet baby-hood.  

Trish Felecos

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