Theo Turns 1!!

I started writing this post WEEKS ago.  Theo is basically a pro at being 1 now but I certainly don’t want to miss out on documenting this milestone. 

Ah my sweet baby Theo…how are you 1?!?!?!? I feel like the minute you turned one, you have changed into a moving and grooving little boy who is SO BIG.  We celebrated you a lot for your big first birthday, so let’s get down to a recap.

The weekend before your birthday, March 23-25th, we had some very special visitors in town. Not only did you get to see a set of grandparents, 2 aunts, and an uncle, but you got to meet your sweet cousin Lukas for the first time!  You loved him and showed your affection with some aggressive pats…we’re working on being gentle because you have an arm on you and your swats have brought me to tears a time or two.  We had a ‘Fun to Be One’ themed party for you and you had your very first taste of ice cream which you loved. No surprise there kiddo. Ice cream is life.


You were spoiled with some fun toys and adorable clothes and lots of playtime.  We loved every minute of it.  You are starting to get a little more shy and cautious of others but you never fail to show off your sweet smile and you can usually be coaxed into a game of peek a boo.  You loved all of the activity of having visitors in town and I think you especially enjoyed having a cousin around that’s littler than you! Between Lukas one weekend and Emarie the next, you loved having more babies to play with!

A few days later came your actual birthday! The 3 of us woke you up with lots of singing and you absolutely lit up.  I took no pictures whatsoever because I just loved soaking up your face as we sang and focused on you and only you.  

Like a true birthday boy who can do whatever he wants, you opted to make taking your picture in your adorable birthday shirt nearly impossible. You wanted nothing to do with being held and just wanted to GO! You turned 1 after all.  You headed to daycare to celebrate with your friends until we got to reunite for a community Easter Egg hunt that afternoon.  Once you found 2 eggs you could bang together, you were perfectly content just hanging out on the grass and watching the action around you.  Your brother was a little more into the whole celebration this year and managed to get enough candy for all of us to share.

We spent the evening with our little unit, opening presents, and celebrating you, our sweet T-Bear. A few days later we had MORE visitors in town and celebrated with a bear themed party complete with a bear smash cake and all the buffalo plaid. You opted for a late nap so by the time you finally woke up, we were ready to get the party started.  You loved soaking up all the attention, opening presents, and eating all the sugar.


This year has flown by faster than I ever imagined it would.  You are growing up so fast…measuring 30 inches and weighing in at a healthy 25 lbs.  You’ve been getting your molars in this month which is kicking your butt and you had strep throat + an ear infection shortly after your birthday.  You aren’t walking yet but I have a feeling you could if you reeaally tried. You just really enjoy being held right now (if I’m anywhere within 100 yards) or crawling all over the house pushing cars and trucks around.  You are sweet as pie and love to cuddle still which is my favorite.  You’re still a stellar sleeper, eat anything and everything, and love milk.  All the kids at daycare are completely enamored with you and Duke recently informed us that you are his best friend.  Watching the two of you grow up together is simply the best!

I love you to the moon and back Theodorable. You are an absolute joy and I am so happy to be your mama.  This year is going to have so many fun things in store for you and I can’t wait to take you on new adventures!

Trish Felecos

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