Christmas Vibes

Today was one of those off days where nothing seemed to go exactly as I’d planned.  Duke was feeling sick with a cold so he was needing loads of extra attention and snuggles.  Theo is just starting to enter the world of separation anxiety and cries the saddest tears whenever I leave the room.  Each time I cleaned one room, I’d enter another to find it littered with toys, dishes, or socks.  Yes, socks.  Why are they’re so many socks in my house?! Anyway, I want to focus on the fun, festive activities we’ve done this month, and cap this day off with some Ben & Jerry’s before climbing into bed.  In no particular order, here’s a glimpse into how we’ve been enjoying this season!
One thing that put me in an excellent mood this morning, was wrapping up some of the presents we’ve purchased so far and stacking them up under the tree.  So far…*knock on wood* Duke hasn’t paid much attention to them.  It’s been 6 hours, so I’m considering this a small victory. 
I’ve been buying way too many pairs of Christmas outfits and PJ’s to celebrate my favorite season and justifying it because the boys will wear them as long as they fit AND anything I buy for Duke, Theo will get to use when he gets bigger.  Regardless, there just isn’t anything cuter than babes in Christmas gear!
I want a pillow with this pattern…I love it! So simple, so perfectly festive. 
I have been dying over the ‘On this Day’ Facebook reminders lately.  This will be Duke’s 3rd Christmas and I love seeing how much he’s grown and changed over these 2 short years! 
We’ve had 2 Santa visits so far this month.  Duke was not a fan of either one.  Theo didn’t really care either way, but thoroughly enjoyed attempting to pull Santa’s beard off when he wasn’t paying attention.  My niece had a dance performance at the W. H. Over museum in town and they setup local vendors all throughout the museum for people to shop, plus Santa ready for pictures.  He gave it a good shot and tried to encourage Duke with crayons and cars but he was not falling for it.  The other visit was at our local bank and Santa managed to get a high five from Duke…I credit a plate full of Oreo’s for this success.  
The weather has been pretty mild so far this year, so we took advantage of a particular nice afternoon last weekend to get our lights up outside and decorate our tree.  I absolutely love seeing our lights on when I drive to pick the boys up after work.  I need to remember to snap some pictures of other decor we have around the house…our collection is growing and I love being able to incorporate little touches of holiday cheer throughout the house.  
We made an attempt at a family picture once our tree was completely decorated and completely failed.  Duke was being absolutely adorable and kept trying to snap his fingers and get Theo to look at the camera.  He copies pretty much every thing we do and has clearly taken notice of our tactics to get Theo to look and smile.  I’m all about beautifully smiling faces in a good family picture, but this one truly captures our crazy lives right now.  And I love it. 
My mom, sister and I went downtown last Thursday for an annual Sip and Shop event a lot of our local stores participate in.  We stopped into half a dozen stores to snack on treats, sip on wine, and buy gifts for family, friends, and maybe ourselves 🙂  It was an awesome evening and another example {of so many!} that make me so happy we live here.  This week I have a white elephant Christmas book club party with friends and a holiday mix and mingle.  ‘Tis the season!  I hope you’re all enjoying this holiday season and soaking up quality time with the people you love the most. 
Have an awesome week!

Trish Felecos

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