Movin’ and Shakin’

Theo is officially on the move. He turned 7 months on 10/28 and has discovered the wonders of rolling his way all over the house.  He pivots around and makes his way into the weirdest nooks and crannies but it’s adorable to watch him explore the world a little bit.

He has 2 tiny teeth now and loves to chomp on people’s fingers when they aren’t paying attention.  Sneaky devil.  He’s working on sitting up without support but loves to prop in the high chair or bumpo seat for meals.  He makes hilarious faces when eating his mushed up baby food and Dennis thinks I’m practically torturing him by making him eat his veggies.

We had a busy week this week and I am loving all the things going on around town this season.  On Thursday night I went to a ladies night out with my mom and checked out some vendors while tasting wine and snacks.  Afterwards, I had some friends over for another ladies night since we had work off on Friday and I stayed up way too late snacking on yummy dips {including a dip for apples that had cream cheese, caramel, and heath bar pieces. to. die. for}. I am so thankful to have found an amazing tribe of women that I can be completely open and honest with and share a few too many glasses of wine with when I need to wind down.

I had the day off on Friday and daycare was closed.  I originally hoped to do some potty training with Duke but he decided he was no longer interested in underwear (he had gone on the potty a few times the week before) and we just hung out and played instead.  Friday night we took the boys to the USD volleyball game against Denver.  They unfortunately lost in game 5 but we had fun watching and hanging out with my sister’s family and my parents.

When you get to pick out your own clothes πŸ™‚


Underwear has never been so cute!

This morning my dad let me know they were planning on moving cows from one pasture to another which means they all walk in a big ole parade down University Road.  He thought Duke would get a kick out of it because he’s beyond obsessed with cows so we loaded up and drove out to watch them.  It took longer than they expected but that only peaked his excitement and he was thrilled with I let him sit up in the front seat with the window down so he could soak up all the action.  It is so much fun to see his love of the farm and being outside with the animals so we’ll continue to give him every opportunity to be with his spirit animals πŸ˜‰

I snuck out for a little downtown shopping and errands after Dennis got home this afternoon and snagged these super cute fall decor items on major sale at the Iron Rooster.  I am trying to buy a lot of my Christmas gifts locally this year so I figured I’d start with buying stuff for myself. πŸ™‚ Now, I’m watching the Roomba clean my floors while the boys nap and doing 47 loads of laundry before we head off to the USD Basketball game tonight!  Happy Weekend Friends!


Trish Felecos

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