Turning 29

My birthday was on Monday so I felt like we got to extend an already long, family-fun filled weekend which made for an extra special day for yours truly.  Aside from battling an annoying cold/allergy-combo, my birthday was absolute perfection.  I was spoiled with snuggles from both of my boys shortly after waking up for the day and got to spend the day with my sisters and Theo.  Dennis came home on his lunch break extra eager because my present had been delivered and he wanted me to open it right away.  I don’t own many pieces of jewelry to begin with, and I’ve never gotten anything from Tiffany’s so I was SO EXCITED when I saw the beautiful Tiffany blue peaking out under tissue paper.  This bracelet is perfection…extra points for the husband this year!

We picked up Duke and my nieces from daycare and headed out to my parents house in the late afternoon.  My family pulled together to whip up homemade chicken alfredo per my request, plus there was wine, cake, and lots of wonderful presents {and the sweetest little helpers}.  I am extra excited to dive into The Magic of Motherhood!  When we got home, we put Duke to bed, Dennis snuggled up with Theo and we watched the latest episode of Scandal and I was in bed by 10:30.  29 is looking good already!

I have always loved birthdays and I naturally find myself reflecting on where I’m at in life when the time comes to kick off another year.  Entering the last year in my twenties feels a little bittersweet, if only because this has surely been {and I imagine is for most people…} the most transformative decade.  Starting off single and in college, and ending being married with 2 KIDS kind of blows my mind.  I always imagined what life would be like when I had a family of my own; a home, a husband, kids, a dog, and I honestly can’t believe it’s all mine.  It’s nothing like I imagined and every bit messy and perfect.  I’m working on a post about life lately with 2 under 2, but so far I absolutely adore our new family dynamic.  We’re sorting out how to balance everything and will eventually need to figure out when we’ll do laundry or mow the lawn, but so far we’re focusing our energy on our sweet boys and making sure they have all of the love and attention they deserve.

Cheers to 29!  I am so ready to see what this year has in store for our little family.  Now, back to Theo snuggles 🙂

Trish Felecos

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