‘Tis the Season- Helloooo December!

Blame it on the fact that I work in nonprofit these days, but I am so much more keenly aware of the necessity of GIVING these days.  This year we’ve been able to support our local United Way, the Giving Tree, and a friend raising money for a Leadership conference I hold dear to my heart.  I am trying really hard to be intentional with our giving, and I think it’s important for us to do even when it’s not in earth-shattering amounts.  Every little bit helps!

December is always a season of reflection for me.  I think about the past year and what we’ve accomplished, what I wish we would’ve done, and what I hope we can do the next year.  I try to slow down {although I’m not doing a great job at that this year} and really savor moments with family and friends.  Something about the end of the year and the holiday season always have me craving quality time.

This year has been admittedly really tough, you guys. I’ve been pretty open about it but I feel like things are catching up to me a little bit!  Since January, we’ve had 5 jobs between the 2 of us, lived in 3 different places, and we’re constantly trying to find the balance of working full time and raising our sweet baby {and frequently neglected fur-child ;)}  This year has also been truly amazing. I am so thankful to be living in South Dakota and beyond thankful for the opportunities this move has afforded us.  I’ve met wonderful people, have a job I get excited about each and every day, and Dennis is settling into a job he sees as a career for the first time ever.  This season of life we’re in is crazy, but at the end of the day, I really wouldn’t change a thing.  Except for inventing a laundry robot…

I am so thankful for everything that we have and I want to keep that reminder at the forefront of my mind this holiday season! Things will inevitably get a little tricky with travel and lots of family to see over the course of a few days, but what an incredible problem to have!  We have lots of family that is dying to squeeze and love on Duke and hopefully they still want to see us too.  Ha!

All of this rambling is to say, don’t lose sight of what this season is really all about! Give more than you receive and spread the love – not everyone loves the holidays and there is no better time to be extra kind and make things special for the people in your life.

Cheers to the weekend!


Trish Felecos

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