Weekend Rewind

Happy Monday Friends!! We had SUCH a fun weekend- just what the doctor ordered for our little family, and I was thrilled to collapse in bed on the couch and pass out at 9 p.m. last night. 
On Friday night, I rushed home from work and changed quickly so we could all walk downtown to the annual Ribs, Rods, Rock n Roll block party downtown.  A few streets had been blocked off and there were giant RV’s, food trucks, grills, and booths everywhere.  Plus bouncy castles and a stage for the bands that performed.  We wandered around and checked out a few of the booths before settling on a BBQ food truck called Snortz for dinner.  I got a crazy giant and delicious beef and cheddar sandwich that was piled high with tender beef and melty cheese.  It was so good.   Dennis chowed down on some pulled pork nachos and Duke ate his weight in baked beans and any other nibbles he could get from our plates. He was smiling and checking out all the sites…he never disappoints in the entertainment department and always keeps us smiling and laughing. 
PS How stinking cute is he in his little gray sweater?!

We found these at one of the booths and I absolutely loved them but we walked away empty handed.  Definite inspiration for Duke’s room someday!

We headed home after a couple hours and brief chat with my parents when they arrived so Duke could get plenty of rest before Saturday.  Dennis and I rented the movie Mother’s Day and snuggled in for a low key Friday evening.
Saturday started off with playtime followed by a 2 hour nap for Duke and Dennis and I geared up for a day full of tailgating and football!  We arrived at the tailgate around 12 and Duke quickly took a liking to my dad’s beer bottle.  Teaching him young apparently. 
The game was a nail biter and we spent most of it in the Football Club of our new facility attached to the famous Dakota Dome so the kids could run around while we watched the game through giant glass windows overlooking the field.  We were down 21 points going into the 4th and made an epic comeback to win the game in double overtime.  It was a blast!
We all headed back downtown for Day 2 of Ribs, Rods, Rock n Roll and enjoyed the beautiful weather before chowing down on BBQ, sweet corn, and kettle corn.  We were all pretty exhausted, especially Duke who totally skipped his afternoon nap, so we walked home around 8 to get him to bed.
My selfie game was pretty strong Saturday.
My dad and his very best friend.
“Mom, I’m so tired.”
Can’t leave out a selfie with this sweet one!
We ended the night with kettle corn on the couch! Successful Saturday.

On Sunday, I whipped up some pancakes and bacon for breakfast and took off to my aunts house for my sweet cousins Pampered Chef party. We made two awesome dishes and chatted the afternoon away, circling way too many items in her catalog!  Duke napped for 4.5 hours and we all headed out to do some grocery shopping after he finally woke up.  He got to enjoy a Pumba ride for being a trooper during the trip and it was the best 50 cents we’ve spent…maybe ever.

Sunday night involved stuffed peppers for dinner, snuggles with my sweet baby boy, and mooore football!  Fall is here folks and I am LOVING IT.  Hope you all are having an AWESOME Monday 🙂


Trish Felecos

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