Monday Musings: Man, I love weekends

I hope you all are feeling refreshed and AWESOME today.  We had such a wonderful weekend and I’m loving feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on this week.  Let’s recap this weekend so I can soak it up a little big longer.

Friday afternoon I spontaneously decided to text my sister and she if she and her husband were up for a double date night.  I was craving a movie theater night and really wanted to see Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates because of the preview I had seen months before.  I also know how much my husband loves going to the movies, so I figured it would be a fun little surprise for him too.  Thankfully she was in, and even MORE thankfully {pretend that makes sense} my mom and dad were free to babysit all 3 munchkins.  I rushed home from work to pick up my guys and we met at my parents house to drop of the kiddos and head to Sioux City for a Target run {it’s sad how much I miss this place being 2 minutes away}, appetizers at Applebee’s, and made our way to the theater.  The movie was hilarious.  Super inappropriate, and real funny.  If you’re easily offended, you might hate it, but it was right up my alley.

Saturday we slept in a bit and I snuck downstairs to make coffee, and grab some yogurt and fresh fruit to bring back upstairs.  I figured I was 10x more likely to work on our mess of a bedroom if I had my fuel up there with me and didn’t risk getting distracted with projects downstairs.  It sort of worked…on top of putting away a bunch of clothes, Duke face planted in my bowl of yogurt and later managed to fall of the bed.  #momfail 

Dennis took off for a high school all star football game with my dad, I had an awesome conversation about my R+F business with a cousin, and made a visit to my grandma before heading to my niece’s 6th birthday party!  S is growing like a weed and becoming the funniest little lady. Saturday’s party was just for immediate family/grandparents and it was perfect.  My sister made a walking taco bar feast, her mother in law made a fantastic cake, and we got to watch S open her presents and literally say “I’m trying not to scream…AHHHHHHH {squeal}” when she opened up her kids kindle fire.  So stinking cute.

Sunday we took our sweet time easing ourselves into the day because Duke was up every 2-3 hours and seemed to be in quite a bit of pain from the million teeth he has coming in right now.  We finally got ourselves motivated with some homemade waffles and started to work on the house and make some serious progress.  Slowly but surely everything is coming together and I really love it!  Pictures will come at some point in the future…no promise on timeline. 🙂  To give you a little glimpse {because I know you’re sitting on the edge of your seat} you can see the bookshelf I finally put together that I am admittedly far too excited about.  But seriously, I love it. 
We ran a few errands and found some perfect items for Duke’s itty bitty awkwardly shaped closet as well as a rug for our bedroom.  Still on the hunt for the perfect rugs for our living room and dining room but those are a purchase for another day.  Maybe a day when I win the rug lottery because daaayumm they can be expensive.  I ended the night doing a little prep work for my side biz and having a delicious Summer Shandy. 

Anyone else feel like sometimes it’s the weekends where nothing really major happens that end up being the best?  It’s such a relief to not have much on the calendar sometimes and I think the biggest wins for us right now are quality family time and house progress.  We do need to start incorporating some more water activities into our weekends before summer slips away though! And for cuteness…no weekend would be complete without a million and one giggles with this boy.

Happy Monday- I hope you rock it!


Trish Felecos

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