The Last Day of July

Today was one of those days that started with our hands dipping into the cool river water and ended with wrinkly fingertips stepping out of the bath. We loaded up on groceries and then shared slices of pizza on the living room floor. We sipped on coffee before cracking open iced cold beers. Even when I take into account the argument my husband and I got in over how to correctly paddle a kayak, the day was perfect.

While loading up the dishwasher, I felt a pull in the pads of my fingertips and knew that I needed to write something. I was more than a little surprised when I pulled open my laptop and saw that I hadn’t visited this space in 4 months. 4 months? When did that happen? Where did that time go? And as I thought about the moments that turned into hours that stretched into days, I remembered. The school year ended in May, and as we dove headfirst into my mom’s birthday and Mother’s Day, I found that it was becoming harder to find silver linings and easier to let the tears melt slowly down my cheeks. In June, we hopped in cars for long weekend road trips, and I boarded a plane for a weekend with girlfriends. I sang my heart out at concerts and dug my toes deep in the sand and when my heart ached, I turned the music up louder and dove into the waves.

In July, we welcomed family visitors and filled our days with laughter and our nights with fireworks lighting up the sky. Ice cream dripped down our forearms while the sun kissed our skin and we learned how to hold a conversation in between opening snacks for the kids and their cousins and their new best friends from across the street. I found slow mornings on the stoop outside and filled up water balloons as quickly as they landed on my back.

This morning, while drifting lazily down the river I stared out into light blue skies with cotton candy clouds, green trees guarding us on all sides, while mud dripped down my toes, and my soul exhaled. I inhaled the dust from t-ball games and exhaled my three-year-old drifting to sleep on my chest. I inhaled delicious wine shared with best friends and exhaled freshly planted flowers in deep blue pots. As sticky sweet summer nights give way to bedtimes and fresh notebooks, I’m trying to hold on to the reminder that memories are made in the smallest moments. I’m taking comfort in routine and saying yes to new adventures. I always loved the first day of a new month, but right now, I’m soaking in the last day of July.



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