100th POST!

I am so excited that today marks my 100th post!  That might seem like a small feat for some but this space of mine has truly been a labor of life {Freudian slip?  I meant to say love but when I went back and read it, I realized life works too :)} and I try to be intentional about what I post.  Whether it’s a favorite recipe, weekend recap, or just a bunch of love for my favorite guys, I know that I will love looking back on this space as the years go by and remembering all these little moments.

To celebrate this today, check out a few of my favorite posts from the past 3 years! 

I started this blog back in 2013, after much internal debate.  You can read all about that HERE.

We struggled a bit when we were knee deep in planning a wedding, and Dennis lost his job.  As always, my ultimate goal is to be optimistic, have faith, and not let negativity or rough patches keep me down.  THIS POST offers a lot of perspective for me…those days were hard, but our love was strong and sitting here today, I am proof that there are really good times waiting when the tough days pass.

Of course, looking back on our Wedding Post is one of my absolute favorites!  I remember the little details of that day as I read back through my recap and it makes me want to go dig my dress out of the closet and sit around in it and drink champagne {or beer…don’t judge!}

THIS POST about the 2 weeks D had to spend in CA for the Army Reserves 6 short weeks after we got married, makes me craaave the summer.

I was very vulnerable and very honest in this post about my thoughts on trying to get pregnant.  I am so thankful that my wonderful readers are supportive and I had a lot of comments from friends that they could relate to this post and/or knew someone who could and it made me really glad I took the chance and shared it.

And finally, my two very favorite posts of all are about the birth of my sweet baby Duke!  I am so glad I took note of everything while it was still pretty fresh in my mind.  You can read Part I and Part II!

Thank you for taking that trip down memory lane with me!  Cheers to the next 100 posts!


Trish Felecos

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