Baby Duke: Starting Daycare!

Today marks the first day our sweeeeet baby Duke is heading off to daycare.  I have zero doubt that he will have an amazing time playing with all of the kids, but I also have a belly full of knots as I prepare to spend more time away from my sweet boy {very few lunch hour visits so I don’t make him say goodbyes twice!}. 

The cheeks this morning were on point!

Duke is changing by the millisecond these days…pulling up to stand on anything he can, tempting fate as he tries to let go and step away, usually without moving his feet!  He just belly flops and hopes for the best. Spoiler alert! It usually doesn’t end well.

Our selfie game was a little rough this morning…Take 1

Take 2- at least he gives me the biggest smiles if he won’t give them to the camera 😉

He is clingy and so sweet as he struggles through some separation anxiety.  I am soaking up all the extra cuddles I can these days, even if it means I’m still not sleeping through the night.  Knowing that these days are so fleeting has me holding on extra tight and #sorrynotsorry

I can’t look at you mom, I’ve got places to go!

Keep my sweet little family in your thoughts as we venture on this exciting journey of both of us working outside of the home {It’s been 7 months since that’s happened!  You can read all about that here.}  Dennis started work yesterday and my day job and side business are really amazing right now- so thankful for this!  We are praying that Duke makes a smooth transition into daycare and that we quickly adjust to a new routine that works for us. 

Happy Thursday Friends!  Check back tomorrow for some 5 on Friday fun!


Trish Felecos

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